Tuesday 19 January 2016

Smells Like Floral's

Cut-Out Top, Bracelet - Fab Alley / Shades - Provogue / Sling Bag - AG's Bhopal / Pumps - Stylishskins09 (Instagram)

I am not gonna blabber much, as I am currently functioning on very little sleep and there's still a lot of things which needs to be finished before I finally end my day. So I'm going to keep this shorter than normal.This post wasn't really supposed to make it to the blog, but then I loved  how the pictures turned out to be. And here it is!  

The other day I wanted to Doll-up and romance with the lovely weather especially in the color PINK. And this is what I ended up wearing. Unknowingly everything fell in line from the location to my makeup! I love wearing tops with variations as they give a new feel and without much efforts the whole look looks prep-up. 

The weather was more than nice as you can see my hair flying in the air and me enjoying the shoot!
Hope you all have a great day!                   

1 comment:

  1. Cute shoes and bag :)
    BLOG M&MFASHIONBITES : http://mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr/
    Maria V.
