Friday 9 October 2015

Office hacks 1.0

Shirt - Mallik(apollo tower) / Skirt - Zara / Belt - Madame / Heels - Forever 21 / Bag - Big Lifestyle 

Isn’t life tougher when you have a 9 to 5 job? And all you want is that extra 5 minutes for everything. And situation goes out of control especially when you are fashionably late!

Well I can relate to this feeling very well because after walking miles I realized that the shoe does not fit me at all. What I mean to say is, it’s always a tough task to figure out what to wear something new every day and still look minimal for office. (Trust me the struggle is real)

So I thought of decoding the oh-so-tough-office-cloths in a series of post where I will begin with basic and then increase the level steadily.

As this post is the very first in its series so it had to be very basic so then anyone can adapt it easily. Also when it comes to basics, nothing gets simpler then black and white. So instead of going with the main stream shirt-pant look I switched the pants with my all time favorite super comfy black skirt. One can always add some pop of color to break the hue as I did with this tan belt, lastly no formal look can be completed without a perfect black bag. I finished the look with my rocking heels and also put on those nerdy glasses for fun.

Girls take notes from this post and make yourself ready to use your superpowers at work where you dazzle everyone with your style statement.

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